On september 24th, 2003 I was invited to Poggibonsi, Tuscany, from Kaizen Italia and some local LUGs, to present RULE as a solution for very low cost advanced desktops at the Linux@Work 2003 meeting.
The talk (slides in italian here ) was received with great interest, and the whole project was later described on the local LUGs mailing lists as a very well thought solution for reusing old hardware.
Michael’s work on kdrive got the most attention: nobody in the audience knew of this package, many wrote down the URL, and I have invited them to join us in working on kdrive, since it replaces one of the heaviest pieces in every GNU/Linux distribution, not just Red Hat.
One of the most interested LUGs was GOLEM, which is actively involved in the local community with its Trashware project, whose goal just happens to be giving new life to old hardware to be distributed to senior citizens and non-profit organizations. We promised to keep in touch, and I hope to see many other italian hackers join us here.
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