[Rule-list] EMACS to VI mode converter?

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Sun Jul 21 02:58:36 EEST 2002


I've had this idea wandering in my mind for some years now, and maybe
it's time to put it in the open and erase it for good if it happens to
be rubbish.

A lot of guys (including myself) have no religious preferences towards
VI/VIM or EMACS. They install and use the latter only as an editor because
it has editing modes not found in its cousin (in my case, Jari Aalto's
tinytf mode for autonumbering section headers, and another utility
to do tables and converting them to HTML). 

Assuming that VI is lighter than EMACS, is it possible/conceivable to
take an elisp file and convert it to something that will make VI
behave in the same way (again, in my case, the autonumber thing, and
all the features of the tinytf.el mode). I am not talking of key
bindings here, but about real functionality. Such a converter may make
the biggest tool not needed, in some cases.

Does this make any sense? Do you know if anybody ever did it?
It may save quite some space on a RULE install.

		Marco Fioretti 

The three most dangerous things are a programmer with a soldering
iron, a manager who codes, and a user who gets ideas.

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