[Rule-list] Finally! New images.
Michael Fratoni
mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Mon May 6 09:27:38 EEST 2002
Hash: SHA1
Hi folks,
After wasting most of the evening and early morning trying to figure out
why my NFS install kept dying while installing rpms, I finally figured it
The rpm command failed at various points, complaining that it couldn't
find the .rpm file. So:
I replaced my network switch. No change.
I replaced various cat5 cables. No luck.
I kicked things. Felt better, but still no luck.
I swapped hard drives on the test machine.
Problem solved. GRRR!
Booting with 'linux nodma' probably would have helped with the old disk.
Anyway, NFS installs should now be possible. Also, we have a functional
resolver library. On disk2, there is a script to bring up the network.
Variables must be defined by the user, and the script needs to be run
manually. (init_network.sh) However, it does make life much simpler,
thanks to Eugene for suggesting it. I used his suggestion, and made
modifications to edit necessary files, etc.
Just boot using the installer disk, swap disks, say
'mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy' edit /mnt/floppy/init-network.sh to taste,
and then say '/mnt/floppy/init_network.sh
The network will come up, and host name resolution should work.
For NFS installs, the modules are autoloaded and the NFS filesystem is
mounted by the installer. We have no portmapper, so if you try mounting
the NFS volume manually, be sure to specify the -o nolock option. The
installer mounts the exported volume on /mnt/cdrom, and expects
/mnt/cdrom/Redhat/RPMS to be a valid path.
Exporting a cdrom with the Red Hat disk mounted works well. When
prompted simply tell the installer the name of the export in the form of:
These images contain a new version of busybox, and a new uClibc. All
binaries had to be rebuilt against the new library due to binary
incompatibility. I also switched from the msh shell to ash. It's a little
bigger, but more useful shell.
Expect bugs, I've already found a few minor ones. Please let me know, I
am reporting them to the author as they are found.
One important bug to note, ctrl-c doesn't have any effect when running a
script. If you need to exit the installer, you'll have to switch to vt2,
and kill the process. Another is ping. I enabled a more featureful
version of ping. It now works similar to the normal unix ping. It also
returns a proper exit code, which was what I was after. Make sure you
call it with ping -c [count] [host]. If you just ping [host] it will
continue pinging forever until you can kill the process from vt2.
OK, it's late, I've bored you enough. Images are here:
- --
- -Michael
pgp key: http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/gpgkey.txt
Red Hat Linux 7.2 in 8M of RAM: http://www.rule-project.org/
- --
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