[RULE] About the screenshot tool

Jason Bechtel jasonbechtel at care2.com
Tue May 27 06:19:49 EEST 2003

The important thing would be to determine which
locale you are each using.  It looks like Gdk is
limited to a particular locale.  A few years ago,
there was a problem with Netscape behaving oddly
on Red Hat systems that were upgraded to version
6.2.  I eventually tracked it down to the locale
setting.  Red Hat changed from using "C" to using
"en_US" and this broke Netscape in very strange ways.

I'm not sure how to determine what your locale
is, though...


---- Begin Original Message ----
 From: Michael Fratoni <mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net>
Sent: Mon, 26 May 2003 12:00:55 -0400

On Saturday 24 May 2003 04:31 pm, Ingo Lantschner
> > To use it, install the package and run
> seems not to work ...
> ---snip---
> [user at localhost user]$ screenshot_dialog
> usage: xwd [-display host:dpy] [-debug] [-help]
[{-root|-id <id>|-name
> <name>}] [-nobdrs] [-out <file>] [-xy] [-add
value] [-frame] convert:
> Unable to open file (Gdk-WARNING) [No such file
or directory]. convert:
> Unable to open file (**:) [No such file or
directory]. convert: Unable
> to open file (locale) [No such file or
directory]. convert: Unable to
> open file (not) [No such file or directory].
convert: Unable to open
> file (supported) [No such file or directory].
convert: Unable to open
> file (by) [No such file or directory]. convert:
Unable to open file (C)
> [No such file or directory].
> convert: Unable to open file (library) [No such
file or directory].
> convert: Missing an image file name [No such
file or directory].
> [user at localhost user]$ ls
> OpenOffice.org1.0.3  install
> ---snap----

Sorry for the delay, I've been away for several days.
The error above is interesting, I'll try to track
it down. The script is 
trying to pass an error message to 'convert',
 from the looks of it.
The message seems to be:
Gdk-WARNING**: locale not supported by C library

This shouldn't be the case, of course.

> Btw.: there was a small but strange
errormessage during install about
> "locale".

During installation of what? The system,
additional software?

- -Michael

---- End Original Message ----

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