[RULE] TinyX/Kdrive configuration

James Miller (office) jamtat at mailsnare.net
Wed Jul 23 17:41:29 EEST 2003

I managed to get RULE to install last night, with just a few hitches.  I'm
trying to get X running now.  Kudzu detected my video card correctly and
seemed to be setting it up fine.  I expected to have to go through some
configuration process for the display, like with XFree, but have not been
able to discover the command to do that yet.  I've tried XF86Setup,
Xconfigurator, XF86Config and various combinations thereof (e.g., varying
case) from the command line (as root), but none of these commands were
found.  I did just a bit of 'net searching on TinyX, but nothing much
helpful turned up on that search.  So, I would like to formulate queries
on the matter to this list in the following form: is there a setup
procedure for TinyX/Kdrive that works along the lines of the setup for
XFree?  If there is such a procedure, how do I invoke it?  Or is
TinyX/Kdrive supposed to work more or less "out of the box"?  Can anyone
point me to helpful documentation about TinyX/Kdrive?  Typing "startx"
from the command line, btw, seems to be starting something (first time I
tried it I got the crosshatched background and an "X" representing the
cursor - though I could not move the X by moving the mouse) but then the
display just goes dark and nothing more happens.  Subsequent
attempts have led to just a dark, blank screen - no crosshatches or
X's.  Hitting ctrl-alt-F1 (the terminal where I ran "startx") shows an
error message with fatal server error.  Not knowing whether any
configuration for TinyX/Kdrive is required, I'm not sure how to interpret
this error message: is it the result of a missing or erroneous config
file?  That seems like the first issue to resolve.  Input on the matter
will be appreciated.

Thanks, James

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