[RULE] RULE minimum hw requirements

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Sat Feb 21 00:35:47 EET 2004

At 14:07 2/20/2004, you wrote:
>Practically spoken, here in Austria we get at this moment P2 300Mhz, 64 MB 
>RAM, 2 GB HD donated for our projects - not one, we get hundrets of them. 
>Also Monitors start today at 17".
>On stock we have older machines, but not below Pentium 100MHz, 24 MB RAM.

Practically speaking, I'm getting the odd 486/33 mentioned, but it's more 
common to see P/75 with 16MB of RAM being "retired" now.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at simpaticus.com

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