[RULE] Again on the website (out of town tomorrow)

Ingo Lantschner ingo.lists at vum.at
Tue Feb 24 12:39:37 EET 2004

On Mon, 23 Feb 2004 12:04:42 -0600, Rodolfo J. Paiz <rpaiz at simpaticus.com> 

> If there are a significant number of potential or interested mirrors out 
> there, we could also implement an rsync-based solution too. Already does 
> all we need, and people could synchronize with the actual website or 
> download just the tarball.

I think I would like to setup a mirror in Kinshasa and may be one in 
Austria too. Not today, but asap. Just have to see, if the requerments in 
Kinshasa (bandwith, costs, ...) allow us to do so. I can give details in 
March/April this year.

Regards, Ingo.

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