Richard Kweskin rkwesk at hellug.gr
Sat Apr 17 14:39:24 EEST 2004

On Fri, 16 Apr 2004 18:05:32 -0400
"Ingo L." <ingo.lists at vum.at> wrote:

> Hi friends,
> just wanted to inform you that additional to the  5 schools in Kinshasa, 
> who run completly on RULE, we have now an Internetcafe here, which runs 
> with LTS-Terminals. The LTS-Server is again a rulefied PC, in detail a 
> Pentium 2/350 MHz with 256 MB RAM, Adaptect 2940 and 4 GB HD. This machine 
> serves up to 15 Clients; presently we have not stresstested it, so we can 
> not say, if it really will work, but first tests with 10 Clients show that 
> it can be done.
> Again thanks to the many who contributed to RULE, we would not be here 
> without you.
> Regards, Ingo.
> P.S. There will come a stricktly technical documentation describing step 
> by step to set up a LTSP-Server on Slinky-Systems. Please be paitient, I 
> would like to see this done by the local maintainers, and so it can take 
> its time.
Hi Ingo

I have been following all your posts and am very happy to see that the RULE project is being used in this way. As an educator I also note and completely agree with your desire that the "local maintainers" be the ones to follow-up with the step by step, bravo!


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Original Rule Development Site http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/rule/
Original RULE mailing list: Rule-list at nongnu.org, hosted at http://mail.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/rule-list

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