[RULE] All these distros!

David david.jamison1 at ntlworld.com
Thu Jul 29 12:24:44 EEST 2004

I think we are in danger here of  falling into the great big trap of 
discussing which distro is best!  I think this subject has come up on 
just about every mailing list that I have ever been on and guess what? 
There has never been a concensus. The norm has been to go with whatever 
the majority  of people on the list were using at the time or 
alternatively if a "guru" appeared go with whatever he used!

My understanding of the RULE project, rightly or wrongly,  is to manage 
a major distribution (namely Red Hat) by only using the bits n peices 
that are essential and then to add other packages as required to fit the 
purpose of the individual user.  (this seems to be based around the use 
of KDE ).

There is a lot of distros that have been tailored for specifc situations 
and all by and large meet the spec of those that developed them.  Where 
I see RULE being different is that it is based on a major distro and is 
not being proscriptive in its ultimate application.

The only thing that has come about with RedHat is the move towards RHEL 
and Fedora and the merits and demerits of that issue could keep us going 
for a long time.  Whilst I can support Marcos idea of  keeping things up 
to date Im not sure that Fedora is a great idea it will get bloated and 
it will need all the latest widgets and bells and whistles to run. I do 
however as I have said before think that staying with RH 9.0 and the 
associated legacy project  is a good plan.  Again I would say it could 
be Mandrake, Suse, Gentoo whatever but as Slinky and Red Hat are playing 
nicely why change?  There are other things to do!

For example,  as I have been exploring KDE I discovered it needs Qt  
which in turn needs some dependancies to run so I had to look at the 
hows and whys to get the various RPMS and get them to install on the 
RULE box as there is no tools on the straight RULE install to assist.  
This is a huge learning curve for me as im used to Mandrake and its 
package manager. Mind I have been told URPMI is even better.  This is 
not yet fully operational due to lack of time on my part but it is for 
sure a good way to learn a lot about various projects and using the 
tools make life easy as they are intended to do but they hide all these 
issues. Now having said that I have been told trying to install 
something like Qt ithout URPMI is totally masocisticand as a result I 
raised the issue of YUM URPMI APT4RPM etc.

So I vote for leaving the distro alone and work on the other issues for now!

Best Wishes


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