[RULE] FWD: Re: Compiling rpm statically?

Franz Zahaurek fzk at fzk.at
Sat Sep 11 16:10:06 EEST 2004

"Ingo Lantschner" <ingo.lists vum at> writes:

> On Thu, 02 Sep 2004 01:20:33 +0200, Franz Zahaurek <fzk at fzk.at> wrote:
>> [...}
>> *) everything put together as disk1 and disk2 can be found at:
>> http://www.fzk.at/SLINKY/slinky-fzk01-disk1.img and
>> http://www.fzk.at/SLINKY/slinky-fzk01-disk2.img
> Please allow the technical-not-so-advanced to ask a may be stupid
> question: Does this mean, if I take the above mentioned disks from
> Franz,  that  I can install a Linux with 2.6 Kernel (Fedora Core 2 may
> be) on  limited HW and run it?! And can I then use all the many

No, sorry.  The installer itself is configured to use a recent
kernel, the rest is as before RedHat 9.  These two disks are mainly
for testing localized keymaps, an actual busybox with integrated fdisk
and to show if the program dialog would work for the dialoges.  But
all those things can be tested with disk1 and without actually
installing at all.

> FC2-rpms around to  install up-to-date-Software? That would be
> great. During the last weeks I  felt more and more the pain of running
> [...]

I am doing some tests to add ability to load FC2-rpms.

- Franz
Franz Zahaurek                        fzk at fzk.at
Gymnasiumstr. 26/7                    http://www.fzk.at
1180 Wien

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