Installer subproject
(Technical coordinator: Chuck Moss, cmrule at mossc dot com)
Change standard Red Hat anaconda into an installer that:
- will function in less than 32 MB RAM
- work at least from cdrom, and floppy, but also
- work on laptop with PCMCIA ethernet or parallel port connectivity and floppy, but no cdrom
- (not mandatory but would be nice) fit in a set of floppies, able to install from standard Red Hat CDs
- can deal with old hardware
- What should this mean exactly? Deal with older BIOSes, dinosaur CDROM or disk controllers, weird peripherals, what? It is important to define exactly what we have to accept and what is unreasonable or impossible.
- choose the better development strategy
- distribute the work among developers,
- keep track of what happens….
- collect and maintain documentation of what has been done
- assign bugs founds by the testing team to the developer responsible for the corresponding code, or whoever is more available, to guarantee that the bug is not left alone
Installer testing subproject
Technical coordinator: Benoit Mortier benoit dot mortier at opensides dot be
Definition of Tester: person who maybe doesn’t know programming, or has no time to do it, but has one or more PCs available to:
- download any new ISO/boot image released by developers
- start an install with that on his PCs
- when it is finished, reports result, giving all info about any bug/trouble/etc…
Obviously NOTHING forbids being both a tester and a developer at the same time! After the developers have released something, the test team must, obviously, test it in all meaningful cases, and report the result.
Tester Tasks:
- defines test procedure (how to test, how to report bugs..)
- makes sure every tester strictly follows it
- figures out all the combination of tests that need to be done, i.e. the meaningful mixes of ( RAM / HD space / CPU / laptop vs desktop /ISA or other legacy HW / CDROM vs NFS install)
- knows which tester is equipped for which combo (Bill has a laptop with 16 MB of RAM, Joe a desktop with 32 MB but ISA cards…)
- distributes the tests as needed whenever a new release is available
- collects and filters all results, making them available to developer team