[RULE] Xircom NIC: xirc2ps_cs.o doesn't load.

Gabriel M. Beddingfield bugler at teuton.org
Fri May 21 10:14:59 EEST 2004

Upon your suggestion, I'm trying a network install.  However, I can't 
get the PCMCIA NIC to work.  When /scripts/pcmcia.sh gets to ln 96, 
here's what happens:

$/sbin/insmod $PC/xirc2ps_cs.o
insmod: unresolved symbol register_pccard_driver
insmod: unresolved symbol unregister_pccard_driver

Any ideas?  A google search doesn't find any conclusions, but several 
suggestions to upgrade/compile the kernal.  I don't know about *that*. 
Looks to me like it's missing a shared object.

NIC:  Xircom CEM56-100  == 10/100 Ethernet + 56k Modem


C David Rigby wrote:

> This is my report, but it was for a desktop system.  I will dig up my 
> report on installing via PCMCIA-connected NIC & CD-ROM, and post it 
> someplace accessible on a web server.

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