[Rule-list] Re:Is in the fly compression needed?
chris clark
clarkcd at myrealbox.com
Wed May 29 03:50:54 EEST 2002
It seems to me that compression is not a simple yes/no
issue. The degree to which it might be helpful is
likely to vary considerably for different machines,
depending on their CPU/RAM/Disk space balance.
On the machine that can't fit the files that the user
wants any other way, its VERY necessary.
I was thinking of having different options at install.
Maybe 1=compress nothing,
2=only big, noncritical stuff
(For instance, compress all manpages,/usr/doc, and
similarly non-performance oriented stuff.),
and 3=compress everything possible.
certainly the catagories would require discussion and testing, but It seems like the benefits on really low
end hardware would be large, and any machine with less
than a gig would see a noticable benefit.
Disk space is even more important with newer kernels, if I understand correctly, as they need more swap than
the older ones.
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