[RULE] APT, YUM or URPMI on RULE, was: Mini-KDE

M. Fioretti mfioretti
Thu Jul 29 23:29:39 EEST 2004

On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 21:04:22 PM +0200, Martin Stricker

> "Chasing" RHL/FC has historic reasons - the RULE project emerged out of
> a ranting about too high systemrequirements on a Red Hat mailing list,
> so we started with a bunch of Red Hat users.
> RULE never intended to be only for one distro, we just started with Red
> Hat, and no one has yet created a slinky version (or a separate
> installer) for another distro.

Excellent summary. Personally, I will try to stick to work on Fedora
for the same reason of the beginning: Having little time, and having
to use Fedora/RHEL/Red Hat at work anyway, I am in more familiar
terrain, nothing more. For the same reason it *might* be preferrable
to try update Fedora, rather than start from scratch somewhere
else. But note I said "it might". Again, if somebody comes with a
ready and working really GUI desktop with modern apps, it's great,
wherever it came from

> The reason RULE has not yet adopted to Fedora is a technical problem: to
> fit on a boot floppy and into small RAM, rpm must be compiled statically
> against a slimmed-down clib, in Slinky's case busybox.


probably I already said this, but could you try to just post here this
sequence of steps, as detailed as you remember it? Starting from
downloading which sources of which stuff, and what must be compiled
and packed together to give the .img file?

Having this list (even as is now for RH9) would make it much faster
for others to try fix the errors you mention.

> If you want to try to port slinky to Debian, or if you want to create a
> new installer for Debian, *please* do so! I will try to help you with it
> as far as my knowledge and time go, and I'm sure others on this list
> will, too.

Absolutely yes.


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Red Hat & Fedora for low memory   http://www.rule-project.org/

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