Alternatives to Fedora Core, was: [RULE] APT, YUM...

James Miller jamtat at
Fri Oct 1 02:41:23 EEST 2004

On Thu, 30 Sep 2004, Da Worm wrote:

> On 9/30/2004 at 6:29 AM Gabriel M. Beddingfield wrote:
> >> I'll write up my progress with these machines with Gentoo, and see
> >> what
> >
> >Jeff,
> >
> >I haven't heard any updates about this experiment.  Any news?
> I ran into two snags.  The biggest being a change in focus, the second a
> change in available time.  I got to looking at what to do with an installed
> system, and came upon the live CD / bootable USB stuff.  This kind of
> derailed the process of installing on all of them, and I moved to installing
> on the best of the set, hoping to use it to drive building an image to make
> a bootable CD with.  I ran into a problem there, shelved the process for
> a while, and before coming back to it, got involved with a couple of
> different (paying) side jobs, and have since added two more, so I haven't
> had time to get back to it.

Sounds like me.  Except the paying side jobs part :)


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