[RULE] New attempt at "minimal install", now using Fedora Core 3, Release Candidate 5

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Tue Nov 2 05:32:03 EET 2004

On Sun, 2004-10-31 at 17:58 +0100, Ingo Lantschner (Lists) wrote:
> Well, I have *heard* (not tested yet) that yum MUST have at least 128 MB 
> - so deleting it would be just fine. up2date - I think we can live 
> without it, so somehow I do not see the problem - propably because of 
> ignorance :-)

For a RULE install, you probably want to carefully install just the
right patches. But for other people not quite so short on space or
resources, the ability to say "up2date gaim" and have it sort out any
and all dependencies automatically is a godsend.

I remember the first time I wanted to install ntpd, I spent a good half
hour figuring out that it also required libpcap. Now, "up2date ntp" gets
me both packages, updated to the latest version, automatically and with
no thinking or research on my part. A usability wonder.

> "Our final list of key hardware minimum requirements is then:
> [...]
> 2. 32MB of RAM
> [...]"
> Do you install with anaconda?! AFAIK it needs 64 MB minimum RAM?!

I have two approaches: for the first one, I'm counting on you people to
deliver a Slinky that will work for those with less than 64MB. Me, I
actually put 64MB in the box, install it, then remove 32MB and it runs
on happily. So yes I install with 64, then run with 32.

The fact that this was written in those terms and without mention to the
need for such tricks is a mistake by oversight in the document... I'll
make sure to correct it.


Rodolfo J. Paiz <rpaiz at simpaticus.com>
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