[RULE] Bare-bones Server HOWTO Update

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Tue Jan 4 22:40:10 EET 2005

On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 10:59 -0800, Oisin Feeley wrote:
> However, the side navbar's fixed placement at the top
> of a single page of HTML (instead of either a
> multi-page structure or a "floating" navbar) means
> that ease-of-use is a little diminished if one wants
> to jump around to subsections.

You are entirely correct. I am entirely lacking in the knowledge to
implement either of those other options at the moment <grin>, which is
why I haven't even considered them. Once I really get the content of the
site to a slightly better level of maturity, I'll need to evaluate that.
Bottom line, I'll need to do some more learning to make that work.

> The top navbar displays the following available HOWTOs
> for the /Home/Linux subdirectory:
> Bare-Bones Server HOWTO
> DNS First Steps 
> Yet the sidebar shows the following:
>   Sendmail SMTP-AUTH HOWTO
>   Simple Mailserver HOWTO
>   Small Netserver HOWTO
>   DNS First Steps
> Shouldn't they both show the same information at this
> level?  

Yes, they should. The top navbar is so new that I'm just barely starting
the revision of the sidebars to modify their contents; in fact, at this
point pretty much the *only* document whose sidebar has been updated to
reasonable contents.

Thanks for the feedback!

Rodolfo J. Paiz <rpaiz at simpaticus.com>

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