[Rule-list] Slinky 0.2.2 [was Re: getting network up with slinky 0.2.1]

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Sat May 4 03:56:58 EEST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 03 May 2002 07:42 pm, Eugene Wong wrote:
> I tried it. It still can't seem to connect to the outside world,
> though. When I ping any other computer it says that there is no
> response. When I run the installation script, there is still no
> response, but there is "success!". I don't understand the problem.

I'll have to look at the test for ping success. Could you send me the 
install log? You can save it by starting the install, work through the 
ftp failure, and copy /scripts/install.log to the floppy.

I just tried this here, and it works fine. Here is what I did:

# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
# insmod /mnt/floppy/modules/kernel/drivers/tulip/tulip.o
# ifconfig eth0 netmask
(ifconfig should now show that the interface is up)

# route add default gw

# ping ftp.redhat.com
hostname lookup failure (we have no resolver, this is expected)

# ping is alive!

We have a connectivity.

> At this point there seem to be 2 remaining problems. First, the
> installation program keeps trying to copy over /etc/mtab, /etc/fstab,
> /etc/passwd and /etc/network, but can't find them. 

The installer tries to create /newroot/etc/mtab and /newroot/etc/fstab. 
neither is copied anywhere, so I'm not sure what the problem might be.
If the file creation is failing, then there is a problem with mounting 
the partitions. I've no idea about /etc/passwd and /etc/network, neither 
is included in the scripts. 
I'd _really_ like to see the log from this install.

> Secondly, the script
> can't seem to find the rpms. Perhaps it's not connecting to the
> Internet, or perhaps it's not finding the correct port. I tried
> installing directly from ftp.redhat.com  I don't know what their port
> is.

I'm guessing that you aren't connecting.

As a note, you'd do well to use another server. Red Hat's server is 
usually pretty busy. Try to find a local mirror.

- -- 
- -Michael

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